Occupational Therapists provide services to infants (0-3 years old), who have or are at risk for developmental delays, and to school-age students (3-21 years old) who have motor or sensorimotor challenges that impact their participation in educational activities.
They utilize strategies for mental and physical health and well-being by promoting occupation within daily routines through direct intervention, integrated activities, coaching, and consultation with school staff and families. Occupational Therapists provide expertise to teams and students, to improve student performance in learning environments throughout the school (e.g., playgrounds, classrooms, lunchrooms, bathrooms); to help develop participation skills for secondary transition, and optimize student performance throughout the school day through specific adaptations and accommodations.
Make an Occupational Therapy Referral
Occupational Therapy Services include activities that address:
- Activities of daily living
- Feeding and eating skills
- Dressing skills
- Hygiene skills
- Domestic living skills
- Educational and work activities
- Fine motor/visual motor
- Functional communication; handwriting, computer use
- Positioning
- Pre-vocational tasks
- Socialization skills
- Play and leisure activities
Additional Resources
The Role of Occupational Therapy in the Educational Setting
- Parent's Brochure
- School Administrator Brochure
- Collaboration with Your School-Based Occupational Therapist
- Universal Tools for Student Success
Interventions and Strategies
- Copying Text
- Drawing/Pre-Writing
- Far Point Copying
- Fine Motor Activities (PDF)
- Grasp (PDF)
- Hand Strengthening(PDF)
- Handwriting (PDF)
- Hand Dominance
- Letter Formation/Letter Legibility
- Letter Reversals
- Line Placement
- Pencil Grasp and Control
- Posture and Positioning (PDF)
- Scissors Use/Cutting
- Spacing
- Writing Fluency
- Writing Too Light/Too Dark
Additional Resources:
Important contacts
Staff Directory