The Council Bluffs Office will be closed on February 19th, due to extreme temperatures.

The Missouri Valley Office will be closed on February 19th, due to extreme temperatures.

Family and Educator Partnership

The Green Hills AEA Family & Educator Partnership (FEP) works to develop and sustain partnerships between families, educators and community providers to promote success for all children and youth with disabilities. Beginning July 1, 2024, under the direction of the Iowa Department of Education, FEP services will transition from being provided by Iowa's AEAs to ASK Resource Center. FEP services will no longer be affiliated with Iowa's AEAs. Learn more from the Department of Education.

The Family & Educator Partnership helps families and educators by:
  • Answering questions either by phone, e-mail, or in person.
  • Referring to other resources.
  • Assisting with the communication process between families and schools.
  • Providing information about the IEP/IFSP process.
  • Review of procedural safeguards.
  • Help prepare for a meeting.
  • Attend IEP/IFSP or other school meetings as requested by the local school, AEA staff, or parents.
  • Helping a family develop a vision for the student’s future.
  • Providing workshops on transition related topics.
  • Sharing information about community resources.
  • Collaborating with other agencies on family support and transition related issues.

Guiding Principles:
  • Creating partnerships early builds the foundation for family and child success
  • Families, educators and community providers all have important roles, responsibilities, and perspectives in the education and support of children
  • Successful partnerships work together by recognizing, understanding and respecting individual differences
  • Each family has the option to access a variety of services and supports through the FEP, depending upon their needs at any point in time.