Professional Learning Catalog

Professional learning opportunities are available to enhance educator skills and practices to improve student learning. These include licensure renewal and graduate credit courses, paraeducator certification; substitute authorization training, and informational classes held face-to-face, virtually, and in a blended environment.

 CLICK HERE to browse the Green Hills AEA Professional Learning Catalog 


For more course options, log into the Green Hills AEA Professional Learning System (use the same login information as you do for Bloodborne Pathogens, Mandatory Reporter, etc)


As we continue to enhance the system and introduce new features, we’re confident you will benefit from being able to:

  • Browse course catalogs without having to be logged in.
  • Log in with identAEA, which uses Google or Microsoft credentials. 
  • Create a new account instantaneously, rather than waiting 24 hours for activation.

Couldn't find the professional learning opportunity you were looking for? Make a suggestion HERE


To request ASL interpreter services for any GHAEA-sponsored professional learning opportunity, please submit this form at least two weeks prior to the start date of the workshop/course.  Thank you.
GHAEA Professional Learning Interpreter Services Request Form